About me

Petr Nemcansky

Who am I

I would like to participate in giving birthing to new society, healthy and spiritually evolving and dreaming the best possible version of our future. It has been a long time since I started doubting about narration of the traditional western educational and socio-cultural systems.

However, first I had to get lost in order to find the way my soul came to live here. It is an ongoing process from moment to moment paying attention to what is needed and what can be released. 

I love being at service to those who strive to find their way through uneasy times of the transformation, both individual nad collective, through shamanic journeying, coaching and active dreaming.

In the nineties, after finishing with the classical education, I started getting knowledge about spiritual paths and was drawn by meaningful coincidences also to spiritual practices. I started to wake up gradually to bigger picture by experiences with holotropic breath work, method of Stanislava Grof (1996-97) and ancient healing method Reiki (1997–98).



personal meeting with zen teacher Heila Downey in 1998, two residential trainings in zen centre in South Africa in 1999 and 2002 and practice in Kwan Um school of Zen 1998–2008, founded by zen master Seung Sahn, further shaped my life view by deep experiences and everyday living. After almost ten years of practice the path led me further. Psychospiritual crisis, also know as dark night of the soul, would not let me sit calmly on the cushion.

Wildness of my soul made me journey along. Play of the coincidences led me to take part and get education and experiences in shamanic journeying at workshops of Vladimir Vaclavek, Tanja Ebeling and teachers of Foundation for Shamanic Studies between 2007-2016, founded by Michael Harner. With shamanic drum and other tools I was learning to communicate with spiritual allies, healing my wounds and connecting gradually with purpose of my soul.

Life journey

made me go through various work experiences; I was working in tea room, teaching English, translating, tending lights at theatre in Brno and coordinating optimization processes in several industries. First, I had to find out, who I am not, and find my talents to be able to find meaning in my life. 

Meaningful coincidences and big portion of good luck led me to meet personally Robert Moss and his method of Active dreaming. In 2017-2019 I went through his three-fold training of dream teacher and was able to integrate my previous experiences to my current portfolio of offers for general public. 

Aborigines of Robert Mosses homeland Australia say, that big stories are hunting the right people to tell them. But in order to be caught, we have to make ourselves available and get out of our comfort zone. I wish you, who are following the trail of your soul and its intention, that your big story catches you, so that you will be able to tell it to the world by living it.

I am grateful for all the people and experiences I met on my journey that shaped me and gave my life the right amount of suffering and inspiration to be able to be here and now.

My goal and vision

I currently offer shamanic healing and Active dreaming coaching to anyone in need of personal transformation or guidance in professional or creative field, relationship or on a life journey to get through the obstacles, gain strenght, heal the situation and move along.

May all the beings be happy and live in peace and harmony!